Jeff Attride

Jeff Attride is currently working as a Systems Development Engineer at Amazon Web Services (AWS). With a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from University College Cork, he has expertise in areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Programming, Low-level OS concepts and Algorithm Design. At only 24 years old, Jeff has already proven himself to be a skilled professional in the field of cloud computing, with 3 AWS certifications and several awards/accolades for his work.

In his free time, Jeff is a lover of adventure sports, with a particular passion for rock-climbing. He is often seen hiking the various mountain rages Ireland has to offer or doing indoor bouldering in a rock climbing club. Jeff also enjoys swimming, finding it to be a great way to stay fit and healthy while clearing his mind and relaxing after a long day at work.

Apart from adventure sports, Jeff also has a keen interest in cars. He spends a lot of his free time combining his love for technology with cars; learning about the latest automotive technologies and following the latest trends in the automotive industry.

Overall, Jeff is a well-rounded individual with a passion for technology, adventure sports, and cars. He has a thirst for knowledge and a deep desire to continue growing and learning in the ever expanding technology sector.